Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The irony

I worked last night until 1:30am. I went to bed around 3:30 and was able to wake up by 8am. Go figure.

Monday, January 28, 2008

10 days away

That is how many days until I see a big dip in my checking account and my savings. 13 days until I begin painting and moving things over to the new house. Today and tomorrow I get to work second shift because of vacations being used currently and then back to my normal shift by Thursday. That's right, tonight I will be working 4-5 hours past my normal bed time. This should be interesting. I already cannot wait until the weekend so I can sleep in and get my normal sleep.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sorry, I was sleeping..........

It has been awhile since I have posted anything and since I do not get to talk to many people anymore because my sleeping schedule has been flipped upside down, I thought I should update the blog.
My shift has moved back to the mornings which means I wake up around 3am so I can get to work at 4am. It is so early that McDonalds is still not serving breakfast that early. Sometimes on my way in I will grab a hamburger and a diet coke for the caffiene.

It is nice getting off around noon, but it sucks feeling so tired and ready for bed by the time 6:30 rolls around. I am usually asleep by 7:30. The weekends begin early too since I woke up last Saturday around 4am. It didn't help that I stayed up until 3:30 in the morning losing money playing poker.

I am getting close to closing on my house. Only 3 short weeks away and I will be owning something which will make ensure that I need to keep working for a couple more years. I just mailed out my last rent check to Norm and let him know my intentions. I will be moving some of my smaller things over during the afternoons once I take possession on February 9th at 5pm. I think I will be painting that Sunday so the house will be empty and not need to move things out of the way or cover anything. Then I can touch up the paint again once I slam something into the wall when moving in.
I am planning on making the big move on 2/16.
The funny thing is I will be getting a bill for water and the Comcast cable for the first time once I move into this house. Until now, I have been paying Karen's water bill and John's Comcast bill.

My Grand Cherokee needs a new battery which will be replaced on Saturday (I think, we will see if the weather changes my mind for me). My gas mileage has taken a nose dive since the job change too. My Jeeps miss the nice long drive on 94 for up to 30 miles of open lane driving, but it usually ended up being only 20 miles because traffic would stop before I had a chance to exit the expressway.