Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekend is here

Not much is going on today. Just the normal clean the house and buy a new grill, hopefully.
I will be playing in a 80 person poker tournament today at 1:00. I haven't played as much cards as I did just 3-4 months ago. I was playing almost 5 times a month and now I am down to about once a month.
It appears Tori Amos is going on tour this summer and I might need to check that out. If a person buys her new album off of iTunes before the end of the month, they have a chance to pick up tickets in a presale before the tickets are sold to everyone. I don't think it takes much to get into a presale anymore.
Did everyone hear how much Lollapoolza is costing this year? It is a three day show now and it will cost $165 for a three day pass unless you take a while to decide if you do not have plans the weekend in August then it will rise to $195. Pearl Jam is headlining and they are claiming there will be up to 300 bands there. Maybe it is my old age or just having more responsibilities but I don't see allowing myself to sit through 3 days of music anymore. Maybe 15 years ago.

Janelle, why not 7? It is good name for a girl or a boy, especially a girl.
Have a good weekend all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I have become a Circus Clown

Apparently the Kugler's are treating me a some kind of trained monkey to dance for the their friends. (just kidding.)

To answer Janelle's question (inhaling deeply.........), Let me shift into "Soup Mode"
This is the episode where George and Elaine get more and more irritated that Jerry and his girl friend call each other Schoompie, and it comes to a head and George confronts Jerry about it. This makes Jerry want to do this even more. And to get back at Jerry, George starts being called Baby Bluey by his girlfriend.
Elaine buys a armoire from a guy on the street which is then stolen by a couple street thugs while Kramer was "guarding" it.
Schoompie gets thrown out of the restaurant by the Soup Nazi, George pushes his luck when gets free bread. Kramer is able to get the Soup Nazi to give Elaine his armoire from his basement, but the Soup Nazi would have destroyed it if he knew Elaine was Kramer's friend. Unfortunately, Elaine finds all his recipes in her new furniture. Jerry breaks up with his girl friend, but George is called Baby Bluey still.

My little nephew seems to like his Jeep car that he got for Christmas. I think he will be happy when I get to hand him the keys to the 1996 Jeep Cherokee in 14 years when he gets his license. Currently, the Jeep has 240,600 miles. It might only have 400,000 miles by the time he can have it. I have promised my Godson that he can have the 2002 Grand Cherokee when he gets his license.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The airing of grievances

I don't want to set a tone to complain about things in life, but this post is just coinciding with breaking news.
How am I supposed to grill and enjoy the warm country air of Anytown, USA when someone steals it from my back porch?
Now I know I need to purchase a new grill, but how white trash will I look when I take the bike chain off my bike and have to put it on my grill so it will not leave my backyard again? (That might be rhetorical, I don't know if I want to know the answer to that question.)

I don't know if I should report this to the cops. It might be covered in my home owners insurance and if so, I should report it. Does anyone know if it would be covered?

The Cubs lost again today. We are now 3-5. It doesn't sound too bad since we are only 9 days into the baseball season, but we are talking about the Cubs. If only I had $600 million then some changes could take place. There are changes that need to be made on the north side. I really do not want to have to mark "decline" on a RSVP from Craiger saying I will not be in attendance for the 100 year anniversary of the last time the Cubs won a World Series which could happen next year.