Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The airing of grievances

I don't want to set a tone to complain about things in life, but this post is just coinciding with breaking news.
How am I supposed to grill and enjoy the warm country air of Anytown, USA when someone steals it from my back porch?
Now I know I need to purchase a new grill, but how white trash will I look when I take the bike chain off my bike and have to put it on my grill so it will not leave my backyard again? (That might be rhetorical, I don't know if I want to know the answer to that question.)

I don't know if I should report this to the cops. It might be covered in my home owners insurance and if so, I should report it. Does anyone know if it would be covered?

The Cubs lost again today. We are now 3-5. It doesn't sound too bad since we are only 9 days into the baseball season, but we are talking about the Cubs. If only I had $600 million then some changes could take place. There are changes that need to be made on the north side. I really do not want to have to mark "decline" on a RSVP from Craiger saying I will not be in attendance for the 100 year anniversary of the last time the Cubs won a World Series which could happen next year.


Anonymous said...

Dude, that stinks! I can't believe somone stole your grill! How lame is that?!?

"I got a lot of problems with those people!" - in my best Costanza voice...

I think that you should walk the length of the building to see who has it, it has to be someone who lives near you. Maybe the Bigguns needed it for some extra cooktop space?

Hey, I am the first to post a comment!

Anonymous said...

Bummer news on the grill, dude.

Karen asked us to test your Seinfeld knowledge. I'll start you out with an easy one...

"no you're schmoopie" :) I still chuckle every time I say the word armoire.