Thursday, May 31, 2007

News is slow this week

Still cannot make an official announcement, hopefully by tonight or tomorrow I can write what is going on a website.
I'm not sure who T-Bone is, although I know George ended up being called KoKo the monkey in this episode, Kramer's girlfriend moves to the other side of New York City and treats it like she moved to the other side of the country, and Jerry begins dating his maid.
Today feels like Saturday for some reason. When the alarm clock went off this morning, I was trying to figure out why I set my alarm for a Saturday.

Friday, May 25, 2007

No News doesn't mean bad news.....

For anyone who is waiting for a new post about certain happenings, they are delayed until early next week. Tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

Alice in Chains has just announced they will be going on tour again this year and they will be playing with Velvet Revolver. This could be a cool tour to see. Dave, are you in? No dates have been announced as of this posting.

This weekend I have a BBQ at Kadish's house to eat at and then later I will gobble everyone else's poker chips. And, hopefully, I might be getting a round of golf in on Sunday morning if the weather will cooperate.

Have a good holiday weekend.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Almost Need a Bigger iPod

I have just reached 4200 songs on my iPod. Last check, I have about 9.5 GB left on the device and used about 20.5 GB with music.
Anyone need to borrow some music?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Good Office Finale...... Chicago Civil War begins today at 1 PM

Great episode of the Office last night. The temp gets to become Michael's boss even though he has never made a sale yet. Jim breaks up with Karen. Pam gets promoted to Secret Assistant to the Regional Manager only to give it back when Michael "respectfully withdraws his name from consideration" after being told he is not going to get the job.
We found out that Schrute Bucks are equivalent to Stanley Nickels at the same ratio as unicorns to leprechans.
And even greater news, my brother now decides that I am right about a few things and now wants to watch the first couple seasons on DVD. I might have some of this past episodes still on TiVo and can record them to tape to watch also. Dave, I will bring them up for Memorial Day weekend so you can watch. Just don't spend as much time to watch it as Wedding Crashers.

The Civil War begins today in the afternoon. Cubs hosts the Sox at Wrigley. And the Cubs are operating so good right now after they blew a 5-1 lead in the 9th inning to the Mets by giving up 4 hits and 2 walks and only getting one out. Derek Lee has a sore neck and missed the past 4 games. Hopefully he gets back today for the game.

I will leave you with this quote from Office last night after Michael decides to date his ex-girlfriend again after she gets a breast enhancment surgery:
Michael: "I guess we are back together."
Pam: "What happened?"
Michael: "You made some good points, but hers are bigger."

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Day Four.............

It is day four on the wait.

In other news, I see that Chris Cornell and Velvet Revolver will be releasing albums in the next couple months. I think Chris Cornell will be good without playing with AudioSlave. That just never really worked out.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Another cool site

For all the Soundgarden / grunge fans, here is a cool website to check out if you get a chance. The video is kind of slow, the music is great.

And this is something I want to build for my signed guitar. I think this will look cool and I think I could make it cheaper than it costs to buy it. Thoughts?

Day off

It has been awhile since my last post, so I thought I would bring people up to speed to what has been happening.
Today I took the day off from work since I worked last weekend to finish physical inventory. And since I am salary, I am getting my time back today. And what do you do on your day off?
I have an interview with another company in 4 hours, grocery shopping, getting my glasses adjusted so they fit better, bank, oil, oil filter, change said oil, haircut, laundry, and fix a couple of fans. That should fill up the day.

There is a couple cool links I found yesterday and I remember John mentioning this talented guy on a keyboard who posts his performances from his house on You Tube. So here are the links:
This is for his performance of the theme to Rocky.
This is for his performance for Led Zeppelin's All of My Love.

Now the Cubs are in second place. I cannot figure out the team. All the starters are pitching well except for Zambrano who told everyone at the beginning of the season where to send the Cy Young Award, but he has only one win. I am still enjoying that the Yankees are playing less than .500 baseball. I am still waiting to collect the $10 that Deisseroth owes me in corporate since the New York lost the last series to the Red Sox.

This weekend my brother graduates with his master's degree. He really wanted to go to Indiana University but did not want to admit it, so he went to IUPUI to hide this fact. Ask him and he will deny it, but the family has figured him out. And we also are celebrating that Neil is done with all his surgeries to remove the nevus from his head. Hopefully, no more doctor visits outside of checkups for awhile.

And as James says, "All done, all done. Hang it up." So I will stop there.