Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Not really news....

Just a update on what is going on.

I haven't done much to the house since the last post. I need to get fertilizer for the lawn soon since it getting somewhat nicer and less chance of more snow. But, it is northwest Indiana.

I bought a new poker table which should get a lot of use out of others since I do not last long in tournaments lately. The backroom is still empty, but need to pick up the couch and chair I agreed to buy, but have not had a chance to pick up.

I now having a desire to buy a Wii so I can play baseball on it. The new MLB2K8 looks real good. I just need to watch from hurting my arm again.

Dave and I will be heading to Connecticut while visiting family in New York so we can see Pearl Jam play a concert. This will be the longest I have traveled to see a show. The longest before was Lexington, KY so I could see Metallica play from the front row on the side of the stage. I got the bootleg and was able to see myself headbanging along James Hetfield during Sad But True. They were awesome that night and it was cool to see them play so effortlessly. It is funny to see them smiling while they are playing heavy metal music with such dark stories.

On another concert note, Clapton is coming to Indy along with one of my favorite opening bands ever, Robert Randolph and the Family Band. If you get a chance to see them, do it. Robert Randolph is a great steel slide guitar player. And they sound even better in concert- lots of energy. Check out this link:

I was asked to do a reading at a wedding for a friend who used to work for me during my Jewel days. That went fine, however, while standing at the podium, I felt a little taller than usual. I felt like my feet were even with the shoulders of the bride's maids. The wedding was nice with lots of good food to choose from an a open bar. It was funny to see the younger adults and how much they drink. It was like "Dave fall down, get on stage with a cover band, walk a bike trail in the middle of the night" drunk.

Other than that, not much new. I will be sending an email out with my new address since I have forgot to send that out before. Have a good one all.


Anonymous said...

Dad bought a fertilizer spreader this year so you can borrow that. You could probably borrow our Wii for a little while also since Dave practiced tennis for a week and still could not beat the computer.


Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

Wiii! We will probably try out our new game tonight or this weekend.

James likes the birthday card you sent John... so we can't show it to him anymore (age inappropriate).

Is Lexington further than KC?

I can't wait to come out and see your place when it's all full of furniture and no sign of work I can help out with. We'll make it once the Euro market opens again in Chesterton.