Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I have been away and yelled at for not blogging

Karen was disappointed to not see anything posted on here for awhile. I could say I was boycotting from writing anything until I was given a prize which was to be given for coming up with the best lines from the Neil and Sammy Christmas picture which I was told I won, but no prize has been delivered. I have had 4 guitar lessons and learning some things here and there. It is fun to actually play the instrument and hear the song- or at least hear a bit of it which sounds right. Thinking about taking longer lessons, but they are more expensive. It could cost almost 120 a month then. I am thinking that is too much now. I am going to buy the Metallica guitar hero game for PS2 when it comes out, just need to get the guitar. But the game doesn't come out until May anyways for the PS2 system.
We could get up to 18 inches of snow today. That is just crazy. I pulled a Kowalski the last three days and took naps in the afternoon. I slept Saturday before playing poker, Sunday before the Super Bowl (which I would haven't seen unless I took the nap) and yesterday after work.

Still looking for suggestions for what to do with my TV and entertainment center when I finally buy a new TV for the downstairs. Options are:
a. Put the TV in the living room with the entertainment center,
b. Put the TV in the living room without the entertainment center and convert it into a dresser
c. Same as above, but sell the entertainment center on Craigslist.
d. Put TV and center in the backroom (thinking no already though)
e. Put the TV in the backroom on different table.

Vote now. I got nothing more for now. Just dreading having to go outside and push snow around today. Jeeps are good for going through it though.


Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

I say put TV in the back room, center either used as dresser/armoire or craigslisted. I doubt much demand for that center, though, with the trend being towards larger widescreen TVs, which yours does not fit.

I also vote that the upcoming purchase of PS2 metallica guitar hero does not keep you from visiting us in Atlanta. We were using that (as one reason) to get you to come visit us here.

Vandaley said...

I am still coming down, don't worry about that. Maybe need to check the Cubs schedule too and see them play in Atlanta if it can work.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking putting your old TV in the back room. It will be OK there in the cold. Get a new small table or center for it. Sell your other one on Craigs list and get a new flat screen for the family room.


Anonymous said...

Neil's still working on the prize! He hasn't been very cooperative lately!