Sunday, February 24, 2008

Internet is back

I got my internet and cable tv back this week. I was scheduled to have it hooked up on Wednesday, but that was the day we received about 6 inches of snow so I cancelled the appointment and toughed out another two days without tv.
I did rent American Gangster which was pretty good. I was expecting a little bit more, but oh well.

I will have pictures up soon as I get everything kind of set. The only problem I really have is trying to decide what I am going to do with a space of about 8x8 where it is wide open. The downstairs family room left a lot of space for me to fill. I know the previous owner had the area as a play area for their kids. I don't have kids and the nephews and niece do not come up enough for me to fill it will kid toys. I was leaning towards maybe a wood bench with storage inside it. Anyone else have ideas? I will get a picture of the space and have it posted somewhere on the internet for everyone's ideas to flow.

I did hang my Metallica Garage Inc subway poster in the garage today. So far, the office is finished. All the boxes are unpacked except for clothes but I need to get some shelving for the closet so I can finish that.
The family room is done except for the empty space.
The living room needs to be painted. The kitchen needs some touch up paint. And the two bathrooms need to be painted and I need to put up some extra towel racks. Overall, everything is coming along pretty well while not taking a day off of work.
And beginning Monday and continuing for the next two weeks, I will be once again working second shift so my sleep schedule will be once again changed. It should be interesting trying to stay awake until midnight when I am usually getting up around 2:45 in the morning. Only to go back to this early morning stuff again in two weeks.


Anonymous said...

You're schedule is screwy!

Anonymous said...

As long as you keep that back room empty, I won't need any toys at your house. I like running around in circles!

Vandaley said...

As of now, the back room is empty. Once it gets warmer, there will be a tv and some furniture so I don't how much room there will be to run around in circles.

One of the reasons I am being moved to second shift is because the second shift guy is making some mistakes at night. For the past two weeks it has been awful working in the morning. I am trying to make it so the mornings are easier again. But, I do hate moving back and forth.