Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekend is here

Not much is going on today. Just the normal clean the house and buy a new grill, hopefully.
I will be playing in a 80 person poker tournament today at 1:00. I haven't played as much cards as I did just 3-4 months ago. I was playing almost 5 times a month and now I am down to about once a month.
It appears Tori Amos is going on tour this summer and I might need to check that out. If a person buys her new album off of iTunes before the end of the month, they have a chance to pick up tickets in a presale before the tickets are sold to everyone. I don't think it takes much to get into a presale anymore.
Did everyone hear how much Lollapoolza is costing this year? It is a three day show now and it will cost $165 for a three day pass unless you take a while to decide if you do not have plans the weekend in August then it will rise to $195. Pearl Jam is headlining and they are claiming there will be up to 300 bands there. Maybe it is my old age or just having more responsibilities but I don't see allowing myself to sit through 3 days of music anymore. Maybe 15 years ago.

Janelle, why not 7? It is good name for a girl or a boy, especially a girl.
Have a good weekend all.


Anonymous said...

It appears Tori Amos would be a good show to see, and not 3 days long! I'm mildly interested in buying tickets, but maybe cd would suffice.

Anonymous said...

Sorry it's been so long. 7 would have been a lovely name for miss Caroline. Too bad she's already spoken for. Maybe you should suggest it for Dave and Jamie???