Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back to the mornings

I just completed the last of nights for awhile. Now I will move back to the morning shift and it could not come at a better time. There is nothing good to watch during the morning and early afternoon. How many times can you watch the same highlight on ESPN's Sportscenter?
And when coming home from work and trying to unwind before going to bed, there is nothing on but informercials. And most of them are for Girls Gone Wild which apparently is all done because they will receive a free shirt.

I am supposed to start at 7 tomorrow, but I think I will get in around 6 so I can help get my boss up to date on some things. But as far as now, I feel pretty comfortable in everything that is happening. I even had my first confrontation with a coworker yesterday. The supervisor for second shift's converting department (takes the sheets we make and then run through another machine to form the box with the print) has been told to get some big numbers in converting.
Well, yesterday, as I was walking out to the floor to hand them a new lineup schedule for the day, I see the converting supervisor walking away from the corrugator. So I asked the operator what did he want and what is he trying to move ahead in the schedule.
They pointed what he "we" were going to do instead. So I asked them to hold on before doing that. I confronted the guy and basically said it was pretty disrespectful to take a schedule we are making and then decide without our knowledge to move things in a different order. We have notes and instructions for our boss and things cannot be moved without our approval. I ended up having to work a little longer yesterday because he came up to apologize for that and said he would make sure it would not happen again. He said he respected that I stood up for myself and all future conversations will be coming from the scheduler.

I got to play cards last night with my friends and of course lost every time I had a better hand then someone who moved all in.
I got beat with KK v AK (got a straight). Lost with JJ v 97 after the flop was 10, 7, 7.
I lost with A8 v KJ. And then I was knocked out of the tournament with AK v AJ and they flopped the jack.
Sometimes, I hate this game.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Long days

In the past 3 weeks, I have been working solo at night since the other schedulers have been taking vacations. And in the past two days, I have not got out of work until 4 in the morning each day. I think about everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. It must be a baptism by fire.
It looks like we are working this weekend also which stinks. I would have prefered to work last weekend on my birthday so I could see my sister and her family on this weekend. I am waiting to see how he schedules this weekend and maybe I would see if he will work the Saturday and I can get out of Dodge.
I will say that I have done more in the first two months at this place than I would at Caravan for the remainder of the year. I have had to make more decisions without having a boss ok the decisions ala Rick. At first I was weary about this new place, but I have adapted well to how things run and how all the programs work. I do not think I would leave to go back to Caravan even if changes were made to the management personnal in Dolton.
I am about 2 weeks away from seeing Alice in Chains and Velvet Revolver. And I should be getting my tickets to see Tori Amos in Indy soon. That concert is November 2nd. I got really good seats for that show, 8 rows up on the left side of the center on the floor.

And now I am looking at houses again. For the first time in a long time, I feel as if I could see myself working here for awhile. The other places, I just never felt was the place I was destined to stay at. I would have preferred getting a job offer from a company near Indy because I think I wanted a change, but this will do just fine as well.

The only thing that is going to be tough is the fact that I am getting home from work at the time next week when I will be starting work. That is going to be a lot of fun getting use to immediately.


Friday, August 3, 2007

I told you, call me Bronco

Moving on from the last link

"Come on, all the long distance lines are down? What about satellite? Is it snowing in space? Don't you keep open a line for celebrities? I'm both. I'm a celebrity in an emergency."

"Well, it's Groundhog Day.... again."

"I like to say a prayer and drink to world peace."

"There is no way this winter is ever going to end, as long as this groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don't see any other way out. He's got to be stopped. And I have to stop him."

"Hey Phil, if we wanted to hit mailboxes we could let Ralph drive."

"It's the same things your whole life. 'Clean up your room.', ' Stand up straight.', 'Pick up your feet.', 'Take it like a man.', 'Be nice to your sister.', 'Don't mix beer and wine, ever.', and oh yeah, 'Don't drive on the railroad tracks.'"

"Have you ever had deja vu?"
"Didn't you just ask me that?"

"Do you think it's going to be an early spring?"
"I'm predicting March 21st."

"Not bad.... Mr. Connors, you say this is your first lesson?"
"Yes, but my father was a piano mover, so..."

"Do you ever have deja vu, Mrs, Lancaster?"
"I don't think so, but I could check with the kitchen."

Thursday, August 2, 2007

When I think I'm out.............

They pull me back in.
Yeah, I one a sit and go tournament on PokerStars over a week ago and since then I have been playing more online then I did the previous 16 months. So far I have taken $50 and grew it to $150. Not bad. I like playing the 9 person sit and go's. It fits my style of play better than anything else available.
I have just completed my third night of working entirely by myself while the regular second shift guy is taking a vacation. I have two more days of this, and then I have to do it again beginning next Thursday because the first shift scheduler (my boss) will be on vacation for 7 days. Not too many problems the last couple nights. I just need to get a good feel for when I can schedule a big problem. I hope to get more and more feedback this week on everything I am doing.
I am debating if I want to travel to Rockford to see a Shinedown show or not. It would be on the Friday after the Alice show. We will see how everything works out. It is a festival type of event (like Taste or the Porter County Fair) so I might have to sit and wait in the hot sun with general admission tickets so I could get a good place to stand.

Is it too early for flapjacks?