Saturday, September 20, 2008

The week that was

It is official, the Cubs have made the playoffs by winning their division today. The Tampa Rays will probably clinch a playoff spot tonight also or at least by the weekend. How sad would it be if the Cubs met the Rays in the World Series and beat the Cubs when they have only existed for 11 years? Nevermind, we cannot think that way.

Eddie Vedder put out a song called "All The Way" which is a song about our beloved Cubs.

I received my ticket to see Metallica in Moline, IL in November. I have a floor seat which means I can get as close as I want to the stage. I would like to apologize for all the small folks who will be standing behind me in advance.

In other music news, Rick Wright, keyboardist and founding memeber of Pink Floud back when they were called the Pink Floyd Sound, passed away on Monday from cancer. He was at one point forced to quit Pink Floyd by Roger Waters before the release of The Wall. He was hired to play with the band, but was on a contract and did not receive a percentage from The Wall tour. He continued to play with Pink after Roger left, but legally was not allowed to be part of any decisions of the band which was enforced by Waters and all his suits he had against the band in the 80's. So, I would have to say, Live 8 could be the last time the name Pink Floyd will not be used again by Gilmour or Waters on a tour. Wright continued to play with Gilmour on his solo albums and the last tour.

Now, I need to figure out a system of sleeping which will allow me to stay awake for the playoffs but not cause me to be too tired for work at 4 in the morning. This could be a long October.


Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

sounds like a real drinking song! Good for the bleacher bums.

Anonymous said...

Or a really short October...

Thanks for a fun season, cubbies. It was nice while it lasted.