Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Already three days in

The new job is going ok. I am trying to learn as much as I can and it appears they are going to train me for a little over a month and then evaluate my progress. It is a lot different than working for CI. I am doing more work than I did for CI in the first three days than I would in a week.
The people seem pretty easy to work with and the trainer is good. The system is a lot like BPCS or AS400 in that is a system based on entering numbers in the programs and not a windows based program.
I hope to catch on to some of the small details that are involved over the next few weeks. I just hope I did not make a mistake, but I will work hard and give it my best effort.
Other than that, not much is happening. No references in the Wall Street Journal this week or Sports Illustrated.


Anonymous said...

New jobs are tough--I know. Everytime I changed jobs, I wondered if I made the right move. Comfort in a job feels good--being new in a job does not feel good. Every change I made, I have been very happy with. I can't believe I have been with AIS for over 7 years already. Time has just flown by. I really did not like my job at the beginning--but it is all about comfort level in the job. When you begin to know it all again, you will be much better off. You are actually doing some work

Anonymous said...

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