Sunday, June 3, 2007

Decided to ride my good fortunes.....

So, I figured since I found a new job I should celebrate/ride the wave and go to the casino and play some poker.
I got up at 5:30 for a poker tourney that started at 8. $80 buy in plus $5 add on. I didn't have time to eat anything that looked like it would make me miss 9 hands because I would be stuck in the bathroom while cards were being dealt, so I only drank diet cokes while playing.
There was 64 people who bought into the tournament and it was only going to pay out the top 6 people. Well, after the second break, I was in trouble and needed to double up in a hurry. My first hand after the break, I raise all in and pick up the blinds and antes. I had 4900 before the hand and everyone folded giving me 8200. Next hand, I raise again and everyone folds. Now up to 10,400. After winning a few more hands and knocking out two people, I end up getting up to 28,000 going into the final table of 10. I am also the chip co-leader at the final ten.
Long story short, I then went card dead and wasn't dealt any good cards for 45 minutes. Blinds are out of control and I start having debates with myself trying to figure out what is causing my headache: a)I have been awake for 6 hours and still have not to eat anything or b)the guy to my left will not stop talking. (I think it was a push, both gave me a headache).
I finally got knocked out in 6th place and won $163.80. I tipped the dealer $4. I profited just under $80 and if would have won first I would have $1600 or second was $1200. Oh well. Can't win every hand. Still had a good time playing cards.


Anonymous said...

good job. I think you need to go to a later in the day tournament so you can eat and "take care of business". Not eating will cause headaches and light headedness.

Karen a.k.a. lady fish said...

and annoying talkative people to sit next to you :)