Monday, December 3, 2007

Past couple weeks

I visited Karen, John, and James and met the rest of my family in KC for Thanksgiving. Once again, I was able to visit on less than 2 hours of sleep like I did when coming for the Alice in Chains show a month earlier. The trip was fine with little traffic, but there were some cops here and there.
It was a great dinner and visit with everyone challenging each other on how desert could eat within the the two day visit. I think there were a few people who tied at the end. Also fun watching John open a beer, fall asleep, and then wake up to drink the disgusting warm beer.
I was also able to avoid setting an alarm clock. Eventually, the kids will remember there are toys in the room I was sleeping in. If not, then my siblings will remind them I was still sleeping and needed a wake up call.
The trip home was good also. The kids behaved and Neil had a few moments of going to stir crazy but we were stopping in the near future anyways. Sammy was good. I think Dave and Jamie have gotten lucky with having kids less than 6 months old travel well. Sammy's trip wasn't as a big test compared to the trip to New York during a snow storm.
I am now up to over 5000 songs on my iPod and only have a little over 3G available for additional songs before having to pick and choose which songs will remain.
I might be getting New Year's Eve off. My boss is not sure what we will be doing for the holiday as of yet. We are working the Saturday between Christmas and New Year's, and it would make sense not to start machines for less than a day while being down the day before and after, but we will see when the holidays come closer.
That's all I got.

Friday, November 16, 2007

I am ready for a four day weekend

Only a few more days of work until the nice long awaited weekend is here.
Since changing jobs, I have noticed that I have lost some weight I think mostly due to actually being busy at work and not having a lot of time to snack on food because I am bored. I actually bought a couple shirts this past week and need to take them back because they seem to be too big. I will at least try on the smaller size and see how that fits.
Anytime I am a minute late, the running joke at work is that I am going to a concert that night and will not be in to work. This is because I saw two concerts within two weeks and both were more than a couple hours away from my house and in one case, in another state.
I saw a mortgage loan guy this past week and found out that it is free to apply for a pre-approval online than seeing someone in person. I was told if he did the paperwork for me, it would cost me $55. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but whatever. I will do that this weekend which is the first one in a month where I do not have anything planned out of town. This should just be a nice relaxing weekend.
And now it is time to go to work.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Insurance claims

I know I have told Dad this story already, but I might as well tell it here instead of calling everyone.
Everyone knows last year I threw my back out days before going to see Alice in Chains play in Milwaukee. Within a few weeks of that problem, I found that my insurance was all messed up and the insurance company wanted to take back all the money it paid for services that were done 18 months before then.
Well, the hospital was going to work with me and negotiate a new price once everything was taken care of. I called in the spring and early in the summer to see what the status was, and the lady said nothing has come through yet, but will get to it so my credit will not be screwed up by this situation.
Last week I received a phone call from the hospital saying the system crashed recently and as far as they are concerned, I do not owe anyone any money. So because of a computer crash, I saved a few thousands of dollars because I could not get my insurance correct in the first place. Good news for me. Bad news for the hospital.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Been awhile....

Well, it has been awhile since my last post, so here goes the happenings.

I have placed another $35 in that account and downloaded more than two songs since the last time. Thanks to John, I went had to get the entire catalog of Spoon songs and discs. (You owe me $10.)
I went and visited my sister, BIL, and nephew James (who will know my name one second, and then call me Uncle Dave the next but I still love the kid) over a too short weekend. It is always great to see my sister and her family in KC or wherever I would need to go to see them. While there she was not able to talk me out of standing in the rain to try to get Alice in Chains to sign a poster. However, we did get to the see the following:
a. We got to see a guy who sells Alice t-shirts play four songs and only one really being good;
b. We got to see Alice in Chains play a concert and have her best brother take her to a REAL concert with REAL good music. (Dave took her to see Poison, case closed.)
c. We got to hear a plethora of people complain about how tall the Clark/Kugler combination is in a general admission show.
d. We got a complimentary disposable rain poncho compliments of security working the Alice in Chains show while standing in said rain.
e. and We got to see the driver's of the Alice in Chains buses wave as they drove past us while standing in said rain heading 900 miles to the next concert which was according to the security, in Buffalo but was actually in Denver, CO.

My nephews are super smart. While one is in Indy thinking he is standing in Berlin talking German, the other one in KC is able to do word math problem/logic. When Karen and I were about to head to the concert, James was all excited to be going to the show too. When I told him they were sold out, he was not happy. But, he was able to figure out that if I had two tickets and I was going to use one of them, he could easily use the other ticket for his own personal use and also see the show. How does a 3+ year old know this? This should not be. Now I need to try to be smarter than him again.

Another interesting nugget I have found in the past month:
Parking at Wrigley: $20
Parking at Midway airport: $12/day.
Parking at a concert in KC: Free.
Parking in downtown Indy parking garage while eating dinner than walking 8 blocks to the show and walking back 5 hours after parking: $3.
Does anyone see the differences in prices? I parked at Navy Pier once and think I just made my last payment from that time 10 years ago. A 5 hour stay at Navy Pier cost me $25. The Chicago public school system needs to get there money by buying valuable parking spaces in the town and then just charge people to park there. That would solve a lot of problems.

Last night I went and saw Tori Amos play a concert. This would be considered a little different from seeing Alice in Chains play twice in the past month. She was awesome as I would have expected. She can do things on a piano that I know I would not be able to do just like I witness with the great guitar players I have seen over the past 15 years. The only glitch is when they had problems with her microphone for her voice and the piano for about 30 seconds and then all was good after that. The one thing I have noticed is that I don't know all the names of her songs (or any of Spoon, Meat Puppets, Modest Mouse either) because I placed my iPod on shuffle and never really learn the names of the songs, just know this is a Spoon song or Tori song by the sound and keep working or whatever. I had to go to her website to know which songs she played.

The other change that has happened since the last time is that I barely go to sleep before the sunrises in the morning. Since my last post, the second shift scheduler quit working for Pratt to get a job closer to his house, more money and more responsibility. Since then, I have started my shift exactly 12 hours from when I began my shift before. I am usually working until 2am and going to bed about the time I would have woken up to go to work before. We transferred another person in from inside the plant and he will begin his training this coming Monday. I would have to guess I will be working second shift through the remainder of the year until he is trained and can handle working by himself at night. He should probably begin working with me the following week to get the handle of working at night and the responsibility of it all. It will be hard for me since I am also still learning the position, but it will have to work or I will be working nights still.

We had a great month at the company production wise and set records in total tons of paper consumed (20000 tons), total square foot produced, the lowest trim percentage ever for a month (2.74% between two corrugators), the most square feet produced in a 8 hour shift (4 million), and total boxes made within a day (10.5 million square feet). We are the biggest corrugated box producer in the country. 99.9% of the paper we use is recycled except for a few customers that require virgin paper.
I was stressed out with this new job 4 short months ago and was nervous about the choice I made leaving the last place for here, and now I think I made the best choice. I could not have been able to do it without family for supporting me and talking me through the whole process. It took about a little over two months, but I really am starting to feel more comfortable in the position.
I might even take some classes in excel, powerpoint, and access. I know a lot of little things in excel and can figure out how to make a spreadsheet work for me, but I always could learn more about the tools. I introduced my boss to a macro for the first time this past week and he mentioned that I have a job as long as I want. I created a macro to do a couple of things which will take a total of 1 minute which took him 30 minutes to do before.
After being in downtown Indy this past weekend, I really wish I was able to find a job in the area because I like being close to the city and seeing shows while still being in a small town atmosphere. It is great leaving for a show and not having to leave 2 hours ahead of time because of the possible traffic problems on the expressway. That is because you do not have to take the expressway to get around in the town.
That's it for now. If you don't hear from me in awhile, please host the Dundees for me. Think of Stanley.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Early nights, earlier mornings and survery

A buddy called me the other night around 8 and I was already in bed. I told him I could talk for a bit, but would need to get off the phone soon. He said, "Oh yeah, you get up at the crack of dawn for work now. I forgot."
I responded, "Well, she is still sleeping when I am leaving the house."

So far, I have downloaded a plethora of songs via my cd collection, stealing from siblings, co-workers, and friends. I found a website where I could find a lot of music for very cheap, like $.18 a song. Well, I am running my account very low and have $.44 left in my account. I have enough money for two songs and need some help in picking the remaining songs with the money left. Any thoughts?
I got John down for saying Underdog by Spoon, but that is not available on this site yet. They are sometimes a couple weeks behind releases.
As of right now, I have downloaded 1168 songs from the site for a whopping 15,331.78 MB. I believe that is equivalent to saying 15 gig. I have almost 4500 songs on my iPod and once Dave transfers the songs I requested onto my flash drive, I should be up another 50+.

I am kicking myself for not seeing Alice in Chains play their acoustic show in Milwaukee last week and have actually looked up plane ticket prices to fly to Austin, TX to see their next show at the end of the month. My hopes were dashed quickly when I saw that they cost a little over $150 each way right now. I tried every air port in the near area, Indy, Ohare, Midway and the busiest one, South Bend. ( took over 2 minutes before it could even quote a price before I ended the request.)
Oh well. They are rumored to be working on a new album which would be the first since 1994 when they released their self titled album.
By the way, Dave, I have downloaded the show Pearl Jam played about a week before we saw them play in Grand Rapids, MI. I can get you a copy whenever you like. They open with Release and include Wasted Reprise, State of Love and Trust, Jeremy, Black, Whipping, Indifference, Better Man, Man of the Hour and Go. There is 30 songs in total.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back to the mornings

I just completed the last of nights for awhile. Now I will move back to the morning shift and it could not come at a better time. There is nothing good to watch during the morning and early afternoon. How many times can you watch the same highlight on ESPN's Sportscenter?
And when coming home from work and trying to unwind before going to bed, there is nothing on but informercials. And most of them are for Girls Gone Wild which apparently is all done because they will receive a free shirt.

I am supposed to start at 7 tomorrow, but I think I will get in around 6 so I can help get my boss up to date on some things. But as far as now, I feel pretty comfortable in everything that is happening. I even had my first confrontation with a coworker yesterday. The supervisor for second shift's converting department (takes the sheets we make and then run through another machine to form the box with the print) has been told to get some big numbers in converting.
Well, yesterday, as I was walking out to the floor to hand them a new lineup schedule for the day, I see the converting supervisor walking away from the corrugator. So I asked the operator what did he want and what is he trying to move ahead in the schedule.
They pointed what he "we" were going to do instead. So I asked them to hold on before doing that. I confronted the guy and basically said it was pretty disrespectful to take a schedule we are making and then decide without our knowledge to move things in a different order. We have notes and instructions for our boss and things cannot be moved without our approval. I ended up having to work a little longer yesterday because he came up to apologize for that and said he would make sure it would not happen again. He said he respected that I stood up for myself and all future conversations will be coming from the scheduler.

I got to play cards last night with my friends and of course lost every time I had a better hand then someone who moved all in.
I got beat with KK v AK (got a straight). Lost with JJ v 97 after the flop was 10, 7, 7.
I lost with A8 v KJ. And then I was knocked out of the tournament with AK v AJ and they flopped the jack.
Sometimes, I hate this game.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Long days

In the past 3 weeks, I have been working solo at night since the other schedulers have been taking vacations. And in the past two days, I have not got out of work until 4 in the morning each day. I think about everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. It must be a baptism by fire.
It looks like we are working this weekend also which stinks. I would have prefered to work last weekend on my birthday so I could see my sister and her family on this weekend. I am waiting to see how he schedules this weekend and maybe I would see if he will work the Saturday and I can get out of Dodge.
I will say that I have done more in the first two months at this place than I would at Caravan for the remainder of the year. I have had to make more decisions without having a boss ok the decisions ala Rick. At first I was weary about this new place, but I have adapted well to how things run and how all the programs work. I do not think I would leave to go back to Caravan even if changes were made to the management personnal in Dolton.
I am about 2 weeks away from seeing Alice in Chains and Velvet Revolver. And I should be getting my tickets to see Tori Amos in Indy soon. That concert is November 2nd. I got really good seats for that show, 8 rows up on the left side of the center on the floor.

And now I am looking at houses again. For the first time in a long time, I feel as if I could see myself working here for awhile. The other places, I just never felt was the place I was destined to stay at. I would have preferred getting a job offer from a company near Indy because I think I wanted a change, but this will do just fine as well.

The only thing that is going to be tough is the fact that I am getting home from work at the time next week when I will be starting work. That is going to be a lot of fun getting use to immediately.


Friday, August 3, 2007

I told you, call me Bronco

Moving on from the last link

"Come on, all the long distance lines are down? What about satellite? Is it snowing in space? Don't you keep open a line for celebrities? I'm both. I'm a celebrity in an emergency."

"Well, it's Groundhog Day.... again."

"I like to say a prayer and drink to world peace."

"There is no way this winter is ever going to end, as long as this groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don't see any other way out. He's got to be stopped. And I have to stop him."

"Hey Phil, if we wanted to hit mailboxes we could let Ralph drive."

"It's the same things your whole life. 'Clean up your room.', ' Stand up straight.', 'Pick up your feet.', 'Take it like a man.', 'Be nice to your sister.', 'Don't mix beer and wine, ever.', and oh yeah, 'Don't drive on the railroad tracks.'"

"Have you ever had deja vu?"
"Didn't you just ask me that?"

"Do you think it's going to be an early spring?"
"I'm predicting March 21st."

"Not bad.... Mr. Connors, you say this is your first lesson?"
"Yes, but my father was a piano mover, so..."

"Do you ever have deja vu, Mrs, Lancaster?"
"I don't think so, but I could check with the kitchen."

Thursday, August 2, 2007

When I think I'm out.............

They pull me back in.
Yeah, I one a sit and go tournament on PokerStars over a week ago and since then I have been playing more online then I did the previous 16 months. So far I have taken $50 and grew it to $150. Not bad. I like playing the 9 person sit and go's. It fits my style of play better than anything else available.
I have just completed my third night of working entirely by myself while the regular second shift guy is taking a vacation. I have two more days of this, and then I have to do it again beginning next Thursday because the first shift scheduler (my boss) will be on vacation for 7 days. Not too many problems the last couple nights. I just need to get a good feel for when I can schedule a big problem. I hope to get more and more feedback this week on everything I am doing.
I am debating if I want to travel to Rockford to see a Shinedown show or not. It would be on the Friday after the Alice show. We will see how everything works out. It is a festival type of event (like Taste or the Porter County Fair) so I might have to sit and wait in the hot sun with general admission tickets so I could get a good place to stand.

Is it too early for flapjacks?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Been awhile

I figured a couple weeks is kind of a long time between posts so here is what is happening.
First off, Happy Birthday to my nephew James. Some of us got burnt at his party which was at the beach and at my parent's house. It was a good time and is always a good time seeing the Kansas and Indy folks come up to visit. Even better when the KC family moves back into the state of Indiana.
Neil is growing hair.

Work is going fine. The nights are still hard to get used to, but I am beginning to be able to catch and correct my mistakes without much assistance. Next week I go solo at night while the second shift scheduler takes his vacation and then I will be solo again a week after that.

I have a couple errands I need to take care of this week. One of the important ones is getting my license renewed or I will not be able to go gamble anytime soon. I do need to get a haircut before that and also let my lack of sun on my forehead even out a bit before the picture.

I am thinking I would like to get some kind of device to play my iPod on while at home. The option is one with a docking station for the iPod or to get some computer speakers and just plug it straight to the iPod. Either way, I will want to have a subwoofer for it. This might be the thing I would want for my bday so gift cards could be used for this. From what I saw, Target seemed to have a better selection that Best Buy and the prices seemed less too.

That's it. I am exhausted.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I do not know why, but I cannot get my cursor to jump into the Title line of this post. That is weird. I gave up on trying to accomplish that, so I will move on.

Work seems a little better, but the stress is very high for me. But, all the stress is self inflicted at this point and it is hard for me not to feel it. I know I am not alone in feeling stress from any changes in life, jobs, marriage, etc; and I am sure I can get past this eventually.
I appreciate all the advise I have received over the past couple months and especially in the past few weeks after beginning my new job. It will take sometime to get over all of this and begin to have full confidence in what I am doing, but I hope the transition is quick. I had the same feeling when I left Jewel for CI at the beginning, the only difference was that I did not realize I was not going to have to do a lot of thinking/decision making for the next couple of years.

The World Series of Poker Main Event has begun last Friday and they are down in participants by 25%. This is in direct correlation with the internet poker sites in America being shut down because of the federal government. I know $10,000 is not the same as it used to be when they first began running this tournament 37 years ago, but ten grand is still 10 grand.
This year's payout is only going to $8.25 million compared to the $12 million+ that Jamie Gold won last year. The good news is that he is already out of the tournament after the first day. I didn't think he was that good and as is the growing trend in poker, he was way too cocky and talked too much. I really think that is the problem with poker these days; there is too much trash talking and criticizing of styles of play. I know there is not one best way of playing, but in the long run the "lucky" players will get eliminated from any tournament. Just sometimes they will last a little longer than they really should. On that note, I will say that I do miss not going to Vegas with my buddies this week, but maybe sometime in the fall I can take a long weekend and get to play some cards. Until then, I will try and play a couple times at the boats in the area and see if I can improve my play.

Thanks again for everyone's prayers, advise, and encouragement over the past couple weeks. I know I will need them to continue, and I thank all of you in advance for them.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Work update

I am 8 days into the new job and I get am receiving some positive feedback from the scheduler who is training me. I am picking up the reports needed to be run and all functions of the computer system being used. Now, I need to get better at noticing the types of runs and how much work each machine has on hand and schedule as needed. I will be working second shift next week and then begin working with the corrugators, the converters, the design group, and some of the shipping people just to get a flavor of what is happening throughout the company.

It was great seeing my family the past week and hanging out with the nephews. They are always a lot of fun and can keep everyone on their toes. I think it is safe to say they talk a lot and do not like the feeling of being ignored. Every statement has to be acknowledged by someone. Otherwise, it is like a broken record but it will only get louder.

Happy early birthday to Dave as he finally hits the big 30. Your present is sitting on my weight bench.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Already three days in

The new job is going ok. I am trying to learn as much as I can and it appears they are going to train me for a little over a month and then evaluate my progress. It is a lot different than working for CI. I am doing more work than I did for CI in the first three days than I would in a week.
The people seem pretty easy to work with and the trainer is good. The system is a lot like BPCS or AS400 in that is a system based on entering numbers in the programs and not a windows based program.
I hope to catch on to some of the small details that are involved over the next few weeks. I just hope I did not make a mistake, but I will work hard and give it my best effort.
Other than that, not much is happening. No references in the Wall Street Journal this week or Sports Illustrated.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

2 more days left

What's worse than only having two days of vacation left before going back to work?? Not much.
Except, knowing this is probably my last paid vacation until next June unless the new company I will be working for will throw me a bone and give me some extra time off between then.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Second time I have been quoted in Chicago Sun Times

Ok, this is awesome.
A few weeks ago, Richard Roeper wrote a column about how Zambrano always pointed to the sky after every inning pitched to thank God and some people made fun of him for it. I defended Z for it comparing all the other things that baseball players do as a habit or ritual. Like Nomar between every pitch, how he will never run between third and home or first and home after playing the field, AJ Pierzinski always doing the sign of the cross before an at bat, etc. Well, he quoted me in a rant column posted today in the Chicago Sun Times. I am awesome. The only other time I was quoted was when I corrected someone who said that the White Sox year was running so long that they would end up playing the World Series in Novewmber. I was able to write in and remind him of 2001 when 9/11 happened and Derek Jeter was nicknamed Mr. November because he hit a homerun in Game 4 midnight to win the game.
Anyway, here is today's article:,CST-NWS-roep21.article

Now I need to go buy a newspaper and have my day in the spotlight. I think this is a good day to play poker!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

From it was nice while it lasted files.......

I see that the Cubs have traded away Michael Barrett to the Padres today. I think it was going to happen eventually with all the controversy following the Cubs and specifically Barrett. This even goes back to the "Punch" a couple years back given to AJ of the Sox. Now what will the broadcasters have to talk about this weekend when the Cubs beat the Sox? As Neil says, "I no know."

And, I would predict that grandpa would be rolling in his grave from the latest story saying that Rosie O'donnell is interested in the open job of hosting "The Price is Right". I have not watched that show in many years and if this happens, I think I would not watch again. Read the story here.

And here is another story bringing much pride to the alumni from THE Ohio State University.

and vacation......

The desk is cleaned out and am back from my visit to Overland Park to see siblings and the nephews.
Neil loved seeing the jet planes take off and learned the power of donuts. I believe that kid will love pastry more than chocolate.
James eventually gets is Godfather's name right. James has more energy than me right now. He seems to almost always be in 5th gear at all times until it is time for bed and watching Caliou which is a cheap rip off of Charlie Brown.

Some bad news for concerts, Alice in Chains and Velvet Revolver will be coming to Tinley Park on a Tuesday night this summer. I really wanted to see Alice again, but I don't really want to go to that big of a venue when seeing them and I will probably be need to be up the next morning at 3 AM. I don't think that will work very well. It seems every show I want to see this year is playing during the week. What is up with that?

Thanks for hosting the family this weekend, Karen and John. It was a lot of fun and look forward to seeing you again in two weeks. I have checked the Gary Railcats schedule and they will not be in town the weekend of the 30th. Dad had a good idea too thinking we could have taken the train to the game thinking Neil would enjoy riding on that. Oh well. Maybe Neil could see his first game in Indy, or maybe a Cubs game with his tall uncle.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

2 more days to go!!!!!

That is all I have to say about that.
With all the talk of the Sopranos ending, I feel like I missed something the past 9 years. I might have to watch all the seasons so I know why it was such a big deal at the end. I just think they set it up for a chance to make a movie or some kind of 2 hour show later. Just my opinion, but then again I am wrong a lot especially when I am proven wrong.

Monday, June 11, 2007

1 down, 4 to go

Well, I see they actually put an internal job posting up for my position. Of course at our plant they placed the job posting under announcements of people being promoted. Which is funny in itself because I never saw the job opening in the first place.
The weekend was good. We went down to Indy to help put together Neil's slide and swing set. The kid is getting smart. First off, he knows what Jeeps are and what they look like. He also has a great memory because he is naming things off that happened at the beginning of the week without a problem. And he is like the weather channel and CNN, constant updates. He lets you know if he is happy or sad because he will tell you his status. And will bring in breaking news when said status has changed. (Orion) (7 Year old guitar wizard)

If you want to see others, search Paul Green Rock School and these videos are from this school. It is cool, they got Rush, Zeppelin, Jimi, etc. Check it out when you get a chance.

Friday, June 8, 2007

One week left

We are down to the final countdown with CI. One more week. I have only trained a few people on anything on what I have done in the past couple years and there really is more for them to learn, but Rick has not decided who will be trained on anything, so I sit and wait. It doesn't matter to much to me, I will not be effected and (to quote Linkin Park) in the end, it doesn't really matter.

Ok, I know John would like this link, so I had to find it online. This is from a Godsmack concert and is of the drummer and the lead singer, Sully, in a duel drum battle/solo. I remember this was what it sounded like when I saw them open for Metallica a few years ago back when I still worked for Jewel. That seems like a long time ago now.

And, speaking of which, I was corrected a couple days ago that I forgot to thank my fellow front office partner Elyse or some call her, LC, for sharing a office with me and dealing with what some would call Clark sarcasm. I think the best joke ever told in the front office was from LC when discussing the height of the Topper.

LC: Marica, you are so short compared to everyone in this place.
Topper: My feet touch the ground.
LC: Not when you are sitting on the curb.

I still crack up at that one. Good times and only one more week until I break up the front office festivities. Have a good weekend all. More to come next week, and maybe one more poker game this weekend, if I wake up in time.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Cool Websites

Here is a link to a cool article about Bo Jackson.
Of course, I stole this site from the Sports Guy column, but this is a good article about Bo's baseball career.

And check out this site to see what the actual lyrics to Yellow Ledbetter really are. There is other songs, but this was by far the funniest one I saw.

Last one, if you miss Beverly Hills 90210.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Decided to ride my good fortunes.....

So, I figured since I found a new job I should celebrate/ride the wave and go to the casino and play some poker.
I got up at 5:30 for a poker tourney that started at 8. $80 buy in plus $5 add on. I didn't have time to eat anything that looked like it would make me miss 9 hands because I would be stuck in the bathroom while cards were being dealt, so I only drank diet cokes while playing.
There was 64 people who bought into the tournament and it was only going to pay out the top 6 people. Well, after the second break, I was in trouble and needed to double up in a hurry. My first hand after the break, I raise all in and pick up the blinds and antes. I had 4900 before the hand and everyone folded giving me 8200. Next hand, I raise again and everyone folds. Now up to 10,400. After winning a few more hands and knocking out two people, I end up getting up to 28,000 going into the final table of 10. I am also the chip co-leader at the final ten.
Long story short, I then went card dead and wasn't dealt any good cards for 45 minutes. Blinds are out of control and I start having debates with myself trying to figure out what is causing my headache: a)I have been awake for 6 hours and still have not to eat anything or b)the guy to my left will not stop talking. (I think it was a push, both gave me a headache).
I finally got knocked out in 6th place and won $163.80. I tipped the dealer $4. I profited just under $80 and if would have won first I would have $1600 or second was $1200. Oh well. Can't win every hand. Still had a good time playing cards.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Official Now!!

I know not many people will be effected by this piece of news, but I have just been offered and accepted a new position with another company. This is 12 months in the making when I began searching for other career openings outside of Caravan. And for the first time since I graduated from college, I am working inside the state of Indiana. I will not need to drive I-94 to get to work and after 2008, I will only have to fill out one state income tax form. Ahhh, good times.
Thanks to everyone who offered me support and advise when trying to make decisions and for finding job openings. Thanks to Dave who tried to get me into Rolls Royce, although I believe they did not want me there because they knew I would not be able to keep a secret of where all the cars are kept.
And thanks to John, aka fish, aka Henery Hawk ("I'm not a chicken, I'm a chicken hawk") for getting my feet wet within a manufacturing plant and out of a retail environment. I kind of wish I would have been able to stay longer with the company, but for reasons like sanity and the feeling of job accomplishment, I needed to move on. To Dolton, Gods Speed.
It appears my last day will be 6/15 and then I will fly down to KC to see my nephews and siblings that weekend. My first day for the new job is tentatively scheduled to be 6/25.

This summer right now is filled with concerts I would like to see. Today, Chris Cornell tickets go on sale, but I think I will have to pass because the show is on a Wednesday night in July and I will be working 4 in the morning probably by then. Hopefully, he will be playing in Indy on the weekend so I could see him play. Alice is touring again and hopefully releasing a DVD of a concert last year. Shinedown is playing in Milwaukee, but I think I will wait for them to get closer to the area. Tori Amos is supposed to tour. And I would always like to see Robert Randolph play a concert again.

Later people.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

News is slow this week

Still cannot make an official announcement, hopefully by tonight or tomorrow I can write what is going on a website.
I'm not sure who T-Bone is, although I know George ended up being called KoKo the monkey in this episode, Kramer's girlfriend moves to the other side of New York City and treats it like she moved to the other side of the country, and Jerry begins dating his maid.
Today feels like Saturday for some reason. When the alarm clock went off this morning, I was trying to figure out why I set my alarm for a Saturday.

Friday, May 25, 2007

No News doesn't mean bad news.....

For anyone who is waiting for a new post about certain happenings, they are delayed until early next week. Tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

Alice in Chains has just announced they will be going on tour again this year and they will be playing with Velvet Revolver. This could be a cool tour to see. Dave, are you in? No dates have been announced as of this posting.

This weekend I have a BBQ at Kadish's house to eat at and then later I will gobble everyone else's poker chips. And, hopefully, I might be getting a round of golf in on Sunday morning if the weather will cooperate.

Have a good holiday weekend.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Almost Need a Bigger iPod

I have just reached 4200 songs on my iPod. Last check, I have about 9.5 GB left on the device and used about 20.5 GB with music.
Anyone need to borrow some music?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Good Office Finale...... Chicago Civil War begins today at 1 PM

Great episode of the Office last night. The temp gets to become Michael's boss even though he has never made a sale yet. Jim breaks up with Karen. Pam gets promoted to Secret Assistant to the Regional Manager only to give it back when Michael "respectfully withdraws his name from consideration" after being told he is not going to get the job.
We found out that Schrute Bucks are equivalent to Stanley Nickels at the same ratio as unicorns to leprechans.
And even greater news, my brother now decides that I am right about a few things and now wants to watch the first couple seasons on DVD. I might have some of this past episodes still on TiVo and can record them to tape to watch also. Dave, I will bring them up for Memorial Day weekend so you can watch. Just don't spend as much time to watch it as Wedding Crashers.

The Civil War begins today in the afternoon. Cubs hosts the Sox at Wrigley. And the Cubs are operating so good right now after they blew a 5-1 lead in the 9th inning to the Mets by giving up 4 hits and 2 walks and only getting one out. Derek Lee has a sore neck and missed the past 4 games. Hopefully he gets back today for the game.

I will leave you with this quote from Office last night after Michael decides to date his ex-girlfriend again after she gets a breast enhancment surgery:
Michael: "I guess we are back together."
Pam: "What happened?"
Michael: "You made some good points, but hers are bigger."

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Day Four.............

It is day four on the wait.

In other news, I see that Chris Cornell and Velvet Revolver will be releasing albums in the next couple months. I think Chris Cornell will be good without playing with AudioSlave. That just never really worked out.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Another cool site

For all the Soundgarden / grunge fans, here is a cool website to check out if you get a chance. The video is kind of slow, the music is great.

And this is something I want to build for my signed guitar. I think this will look cool and I think I could make it cheaper than it costs to buy it. Thoughts?

Day off

It has been awhile since my last post, so I thought I would bring people up to speed to what has been happening.
Today I took the day off from work since I worked last weekend to finish physical inventory. And since I am salary, I am getting my time back today. And what do you do on your day off?
I have an interview with another company in 4 hours, grocery shopping, getting my glasses adjusted so they fit better, bank, oil, oil filter, change said oil, haircut, laundry, and fix a couple of fans. That should fill up the day.

There is a couple cool links I found yesterday and I remember John mentioning this talented guy on a keyboard who posts his performances from his house on You Tube. So here are the links:
This is for his performance of the theme to Rocky.
This is for his performance for Led Zeppelin's All of My Love.

Now the Cubs are in second place. I cannot figure out the team. All the starters are pitching well except for Zambrano who told everyone at the beginning of the season where to send the Cy Young Award, but he has only one win. I am still enjoying that the Yankees are playing less than .500 baseball. I am still waiting to collect the $10 that Deisseroth owes me in corporate since the New York lost the last series to the Red Sox.

This weekend my brother graduates with his master's degree. He really wanted to go to Indiana University but did not want to admit it, so he went to IUPUI to hide this fact. Ask him and he will deny it, but the family has figured him out. And we also are celebrating that Neil is done with all his surgeries to remove the nevus from his head. Hopefully, no more doctor visits outside of checkups for awhile.

And as James says, "All done, all done. Hang it up." So I will stop there.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekend is here

Not much is going on today. Just the normal clean the house and buy a new grill, hopefully.
I will be playing in a 80 person poker tournament today at 1:00. I haven't played as much cards as I did just 3-4 months ago. I was playing almost 5 times a month and now I am down to about once a month.
It appears Tori Amos is going on tour this summer and I might need to check that out. If a person buys her new album off of iTunes before the end of the month, they have a chance to pick up tickets in a presale before the tickets are sold to everyone. I don't think it takes much to get into a presale anymore.
Did everyone hear how much Lollapoolza is costing this year? It is a three day show now and it will cost $165 for a three day pass unless you take a while to decide if you do not have plans the weekend in August then it will rise to $195. Pearl Jam is headlining and they are claiming there will be up to 300 bands there. Maybe it is my old age or just having more responsibilities but I don't see allowing myself to sit through 3 days of music anymore. Maybe 15 years ago.

Janelle, why not 7? It is good name for a girl or a boy, especially a girl.
Have a good weekend all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I have become a Circus Clown

Apparently the Kugler's are treating me a some kind of trained monkey to dance for the their friends. (just kidding.)

To answer Janelle's question (inhaling deeply.........), Let me shift into "Soup Mode"
This is the episode where George and Elaine get more and more irritated that Jerry and his girl friend call each other Schoompie, and it comes to a head and George confronts Jerry about it. This makes Jerry want to do this even more. And to get back at Jerry, George starts being called Baby Bluey by his girlfriend.
Elaine buys a armoire from a guy on the street which is then stolen by a couple street thugs while Kramer was "guarding" it.
Schoompie gets thrown out of the restaurant by the Soup Nazi, George pushes his luck when gets free bread. Kramer is able to get the Soup Nazi to give Elaine his armoire from his basement, but the Soup Nazi would have destroyed it if he knew Elaine was Kramer's friend. Unfortunately, Elaine finds all his recipes in her new furniture. Jerry breaks up with his girl friend, but George is called Baby Bluey still.

My little nephew seems to like his Jeep car that he got for Christmas. I think he will be happy when I get to hand him the keys to the 1996 Jeep Cherokee in 14 years when he gets his license. Currently, the Jeep has 240,600 miles. It might only have 400,000 miles by the time he can have it. I have promised my Godson that he can have the 2002 Grand Cherokee when he gets his license.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The airing of grievances

I don't want to set a tone to complain about things in life, but this post is just coinciding with breaking news.
How am I supposed to grill and enjoy the warm country air of Anytown, USA when someone steals it from my back porch?
Now I know I need to purchase a new grill, but how white trash will I look when I take the bike chain off my bike and have to put it on my grill so it will not leave my backyard again? (That might be rhetorical, I don't know if I want to know the answer to that question.)

I don't know if I should report this to the cops. It might be covered in my home owners insurance and if so, I should report it. Does anyone know if it would be covered?

The Cubs lost again today. We are now 3-5. It doesn't sound too bad since we are only 9 days into the baseball season, but we are talking about the Cubs. If only I had $600 million then some changes could take place. There are changes that need to be made on the north side. I really do not want to have to mark "decline" on a RSVP from Craiger saying I will not be in attendance for the 100 year anniversary of the last time the Cubs won a World Series which could happen next year.